Jacek Szanduła

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The article is a polemic with the proposal of Strahl and Walesiak (1997) concerning unitarisation variables in the border reference system. Shown are adverse implications of the unitarisation model proposed by Strahl and Walesiak. To be able to modify formulas for unitarisation in the border reference system, the key issue is to clarify what is the veto threshold. According to the author, one can distinguish the following variants of the veto thresholds:

  • 1. The veto threshold means that the object does not meet the minimum requirements.
  • 2. The veto threshold does not implicate additional consequences. Here you can consider two situations:
  • a) transgression of the veto threshold does not bring additional benefi ts,
  • b) transgression of the veto threshold does not cause additional losses.
  • 3. Transgression of the veto threshold means a signifi cant deterioration in the attractiveness of the object.
The above variants of veto thresholds may occur alone or together. This possibility, in combination with the three possible types of variables (a stimulant, destimulant, nominant) causes that each situation Uwagi do unitaryzacji zmiennych w referencyjnym systemie granicznym 167 requires a separate description with the use particular formulas. The author postulates that in each situation following conditions should be met:
  • 1. Continuity of unitarisation transformation.
  • 2. Transformation of the interval [xmin, xmax] to the interval [0, 1].
  • 3. Best / optimal values are assigned a value of 1, and the worst values of 0.
For the above terms the author proposes new models in the case of presence of veto thresholds. The proposal is illustrated by an empirical example.


multidimensional comparative analysis, normalization, veto threshold


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